The Carolingian Empire


       The Carolingian Empire tried to unite most of western Europe under a single ruler from about 751 until 987.

       France and Germany

Political Characteristics

The coronation of charlemegne is a symbolic of a new ingeritor marked the arrival of a new inheritor of Rome and a compatitor.
During his reign (25 years) he avoided the conquest by the Islam and  expanded the his kingdom.

Economic Characteristics:

       The economy of the Carolingian Empire is part of the economy of the Middle Ages, especially those developed in Central Europe. It is discussed whether it was a closed economy or subsistence farming, on the contrary, exchange and generating a profit.

Social Characteristics:

        The only Carolingian monarch who did it was Charlemagne, who was crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III at Rome in 800.

Cultural Characteristics:

        The most important thing about the Carolingian Empire is that it rpresents the mixture between Church and State.

      Voltaire, the French philosopher of the Enlightenment, said that it was 'Neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.'
     Important Characters:

·         Pope Leo
·         Charlemagne

(2011).Carolingian Empire
consultado en julio 21, 2011en

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